Friday, 27 May 2011

Another side to my industry...

Photograph by Richard Aird

Last night I went to a talk at Newcastle City Library by Simon Donald and Geoff Laws and heard about a side of the journalism industry that I had never considered before - that of cartoons.

When I was younger, the first and only thing I used to do was look at the cartoon page - they are what attracted me to newspapers.

Photograph by Eleventh Earl of Mar

Simon Donald talked about setting up Viz magazine and what it meant to him. It was interesting to hear about how the magazine that has become a North East institution was running at a loss at first.

Geoff Laws discussed how he got into the cartoon industry and how hard it was to work on page layouts in comparison to the use of computer programmes which are used in industry today. He also mentioned the tight deadlines which he had to meet on a daily basis while working for the Journal.

I didn't know what to expect from this event as I had never been to anything like it before. The talk, which was part of Local History Month, was conducted in the style of a chat show with the pair asking each other questions, answering questions and telling funny stories about life in Newcastle during the 1970's and 1980's along the way.

Despite the talk of dreaded deadlines, the event made me more excited that I will be going into such an interesting and demanding industry which is so unpredictable.

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