Tuesday 19 October 2010

Great Manchester Police Tweets

So much has happened since my last post.

My university work load has intensified and forced my social life and blogging to take a backseat. I am glad to say now that I am finally on top of my work and organised enough to blog, socialise and of course work.

In the outside world, Greater Manchester Police have set up a Twitter page where they tweet every 999 call they receive. The idea has been receiving mixed reviews. Some feel that it is a great idea that the misuse of the emergency number is being highlighted but others think the idea is a waste of time. With posts such as "Call 285 A 17-y the tear-old boy has gone missing from a house in Cheetham Hill, Manchester #gmp24" I feel that it is a good source of finding out what is going on from an official source.

1 comment:

  1. It will only prove its worth if it results in a reduction of misuse of 999 number and a corresponding waste of police time, especially in light of the savings / cuts being msade currently
